documenta 14 is now closed.
documenta takes place again in 2022.
Next time it will be called documenta 15.
We look forward to your visit.

Practical Information about documenta 14

Where Is documenta 14

documenta 14 is in 2 places.

Where You Can Get Information

You can get information about documenta 14 here.

You have to dial this telephone number
when you call from Germany:
05 61  70 72 77 0

You have to dial this telephone number
when you call from another country:
00 49 56 1  70 72 77 0

Or you can send an email to:
visitors [​at​]

Or you can get information
from the documenta 14 website:

Opening Hours

Opening hours means:
the times when you can visit documenta 14.

How Much Time Do You Need for documenta 14

If you want to see everything
you should stay in the city for at least 2 days.

But you do not have to visit documenta 14 in both cities.
You can only go to Athens.

Or you can only go to Kassel.

Accessibility at documenta 14

Accessibility means:
There are no obstacles for people with special needs.

Sabine Neumann is the advisor for accessibility.
You can call Ms. Neumann.
If you have questions about accessibility.

You can find more information about accessibility here.

Admission Tickets

In Athens
For many exhibition venues of documenta 14
you do not need to pay money.

An exhibition venue is a place where art is shown.
For some exhibition venues you have to pay money.
In such cases, you can buy admission tickets at the exhibition venue.

In Kassel
You can buy admission tickets
for the exhibition venues in Kassel
at different places.

With the admission tickets you can view all of the documenta 14 exhibits.

The documenta 14 ticket shops close at 7:30 pm.

Admission Ticket Prices in Kassel

Reduced Tickets

Reduced tickets are for different kinds of people.

For example:

General Information about documenta 14

documenta 14 is a big art exhibition.

People can view many artworks there.

For example:

People from all over the world come to documenta 14.

The working title of documenta 14 is: Learning from Athens

A working title tells people:
What something is about.

For example:

Learning from Athens

That means for example:
Many people in the country of Greece
have had big worries over the past years.

Many people in the country are in a very bad situation.

There are not enough jobs,
so many are unemployed
and cannot pay for basic goods and services.

The people in Greece have a lot of courage,
and they keep going.

Τhey do not give up.

But maybe the title Learning from Athens also
invites everyone to have his or her own idea
about what it means.
It does not mean anything in particular,
but only
what people think
when they read it.

And their thoughts can be very different:

The Artists

More than 160 artists are taking part in documenta 14.

Most of the artists developed their artworks for the two cities.

Some artworks for Athens and Kassel are very different.

And some artworks look very similar.
That means:
An artist made an object
for documenta in Athens.
And he or she made an object
for documenta in Kassel.
The objects look almost exactly the same.

At documenta 14 people can view and listen to very different artworks.

For example:

The Different Areas of documenta 14

The Public Program

That means:

Everyone can attend.

And everyone can take part.

The public program is called:

The Parliament of Bodies.

There are different events as part of the public program.

For example:

Everyone can take part in these events.

There is no fixed plan for these events.

That means:
All of the people at an event can do something.

That means:
The people at the event make the event together.

Here are examples of themes of events:


That means for example:
There are reports about documenta 14
in newspapers and magazines.

South is a magazine about documenta 14.

There are four issues of South during documenta 14.

In the magazine, people can read and look at different things.

For example:

There are 2 books about documenta 14

1: The documenta Reader

There are many exciting things in it.

For example:

In the documenta Reader
people can read old texts.

Those texts contained ideas for documenta 14.

And they can also read many new texts.

These texts were written especially for documenta 14

2: The documenta Daybook

Daybook means diary.
The Daybook contains something
about every artist
taking part in documenta 14.

And in the Daybook there are 2 city maps.

On the city maps people can see:
Where the different exhibition venues of documenta 14 are.

Education Program

This program enables visitors
to learn a lot about documenta 14
and to discover many things about documenta 14.
That is why the education program is called: an-education.

Many themes of documenta 14 are hard to understand.
That is why there is an education program.

Visitors can talk with artists
about their artworks.
And they can visit different exhibition venues
together with the artists.


People who work at documenta 14
take walks with visitors to the exhibition venues.
They look at the artworks together with visitors.
And the people who work at documenta 14
tell the visitors a lot about them.

You can register for a walk
if you want to learn many exciting things
about documenta 14.

You can register alone.
Or you can register with a group.

You can buy tickets for walks at different places.

The documenta 14 online shop is a website.

Public Television

That means:
Everybody can watch these television broadcasts.

1 time a week 1 film is shown about documenta 14.
It is shown by a television broadcaster of Greece.
The TV channel is called: ERT2.

The television programs are always shown at midnight.
They are shown in the original language.

For example:

All films have Greek subtitles.
That means:
At the bottom of the screen
you can see in Greek language
what is said in the film.

Public Radio

That means:
Everyone can listen to these radio broadcasts.

9 radio channels from all over the world
make radio broadcasts for documenta 14.

The radio program lasts from April to September.

People can listen to man exciting things.

For example:

You can listen to the radio programs here: