Alexander Kalderach

Alexander Kalderach, Der Parthenon (The Parthenon), 1939, oil on canvas, collection Belvedere, Vienna, installation view, Neue Galerie, Kassel, documenta 14, photo: Mathias Völzke

Very little is known about Alexander Kalderach, who was born in Hamburg in 1880 and died in Bern in 1965. The acme of his painting career was in the 1940s, when his work was included in the Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung in the Haus der Deutschen Kunst (today Haus der Kunst) in Munich and caught the eye of Adolf Hitler. Kalderach’s numerous paintings of the architectural emblems of classical antiquity constitute the nadir of German philhellenism, comparable to Oskar Graf’s Aphrodite reproduced in a catalogue of the Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung of 1943.

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