by Termokiss / Toestand / Happy Positiv / Soshenko 33

10 am–8 pm
Nordstadtpark, Ecke Fiedlerstraße / Haarmannweg, Kassel

During a two-week residency at the Nordstadtpark, four associations from Kosovo, Belgium, and Switzerland that work with abandoned buildings and (public) spaces, together with similar initiatives based in Kassel, will shape a “collective village of ideas.” The foundation of this village is based on a common work method encompassing productivity, collaboration, and openness, as developed in previous collaborations between the four associations.

Framed by the 100 days of documenta in Kassel, the renowned documenta setting, the main focus is on the process of creation. The outcome is an unknown condition, shaped and defined by a joint effort of a temporary community in the city of Kassel. We’ll be working on a scarce piece of land, within a limited time span. Questions—typical for an urban context—will inevitably arise. However, the nature of this process-oriented project, as well as the presence of the participants’ different backgrounds and cultures, provides an interesting breeding ground to explore different paths and answers to these time-space scarcities.

The final shape of the project will therefore be an expression of a shared vision of the arts and society today. It will be spatially manifested in a building, a pavilion, or a village open for use and interpretation by local creatives.

Everyone is invited to participate in the project located at the south end of the Nordstadtpark. Activities take place from August 5 to August 16, 2017, every day from 10 am to 8 pm.

If you have any questions, please contact niels [​at​]

Posted in Calendar

ShapeTheUnknown​, village festival

During a two-week residency at the Nordstadtpark, four associations from Kosovo, Belgium, and Switzerland that work with abandoned buildings and (public) spaces, together with similar initiatives based…
