Victoria Square Project: Day of Visivanka

3–7 pm
Elpidos 13, Victoria Square, Elpidos 13, Athens

An exhibition of traditional costumes and original works of Daria Stasiouk and Diana Novak, “Mother’s embroidered shirt is a sacred amulet…”.

Driven by the opportunity of the Day of Visivanka that is celebrated in Athens between May 21–28, an exhibition of the private collections of distinguished Ukrainian folk artists Daria Stasiouk and Diana Novak takes place. The exhibition also includes original works of the artists - embroidery and bead knitting. Mother and daughter have been collecting, storing and recreating Ukrainian traditional motifs for many years. The rich collection includes embroidery from the regions of Zastavniv, Putylsk, Sokyryany, Borshchi and many more.

The exhibition is launched at Victoria Square Project and afterwards hosted at the Melissa Network between May 22—28.

Posted in Public Exhibition